Vitamin C Blog Posts — cold virus RSS

Is It Feed or Starve?

Remember the saying  “feed a cold, starve a fever” ? As it turns out, nutrients are key to both situations given nutrients provide extra healing energy to fight illness. The digestive process through consumption of food can generate heat and provide nutrients that can also help inhibit replication of a cold virus.  Research has shown that viruses replicate faster in colder conditions. So it can be easier for you to get your nutrient rich vitamins through diet in the scenario of a cold virus without a fever.With a fever, your body is already warm, doing what nature has enabled your immune systems to do, fight off the virus with your own heat! This heat also increases your caloric burn.  Unfortunately, a fever generally also comes...

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Why Working Out Can Drag You Down

People who consume high doses of vitamin C do not show the expected mental and physical signs of stress, which often manifests as, but not limited to, communicable disease. These are the people that despite the snifflers and sneezers that surround them, seem to repel viruses. When they do succumb, they overcome quickly and more efficiently then most of society. Vitamin C has been proven time and time again to be able to reduce physical stress, even the kind of stress intentionally inflicted from vigorous exercise! Now before you use this information as an excuse to avoid the gym, it is important to realize that your car cannot travel 50 miles if there is only 20 miles worth of gas...

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Healthy Holiday Travel Insurance That Tastes Great! How To MIX-IT-UP while traveling!

Arrive and stay well while indulging yourself during holiday travel. Don't allow the myriad of viruses out there get you down! Fact: stress creates susceptibility to getting sick! Stressful work deadlines, too many late nights, emotional struggles, injuries, heavy duty workouts, even excessive joy puts you at risk. Fact:  An effective way to compensate for immune suppressing stress is to ramp up your intake of immune supportive nutrients particularly high doses of vitamin C! Vitamin C works exceptionally well as an antiviral, but the key is to ingest sufficient amounts. Humans lost the ability to produce vitamin C due to a gene mutation. We don’t make it anymore, but we sure do need it! So much so that a 150...

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