Vitamin C Blog Posts — vitamin c RSS

Is It Feed or Starve?

Remember the saying  “feed a cold, starve a fever” ? As it turns out, nutrients are key to both situations given nutrients provide extra healing energy to fight illness. The digestive process through consumption of food can generate heat and provide nutrients that can also help inhibit replication of a cold virus.  Research has shown that viruses replicate faster in colder conditions. So it can be easier for you to get your nutrient rich vitamins through diet in the scenario of a cold virus without a fever.With a fever, your body is already warm, doing what nature has enabled your immune systems to do, fight off the virus with your own heat! This heat also increases your caloric burn.  Unfortunately, a fever generally also comes...

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Swollen Glands & Vitamin C

Those achy swollen glands are also known as lymph nodes.They play a vital role in the body's ability to fight off infections. They function as filters, trapping viruses, bacteria and other causes of illnesses before they can infect other parts of your body. Common areas where you might notice swollen lymph nodes include your neck, under your chin, in your armpits and in your groin. Good news is that these painful glands alert us that our immune system is working hard trying to fight off an underlying viral and/or bacterial infection. Taking high doses of vitamin C to bowel tolerance ( the point of watery stools ) can be an extremely helpful natural treatment. In fact vitamin C is one of nature's best immune supportive...

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How Much Is Enough When It Comes To Fighting Infections With Vitamin C? How To Give Your Virus All You've Got!

Let's face it, you need to know... While vitamin C can be incredibly, effective especially for treating viruses, you need to dig in your heels and stay with it! In other words..."Don't quit!". To quote an age old adage, you must "fight fire with fire" Learn how to give your virus all you've got!

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Oral Vitamin C and Cancer

Vitamin C and Cancer: Is There A Use For Oral Vitamin C? Abstract For several decades, the role of vitamin C in the treatment of cancer has been a subject of clinical research and controversy. It has been established that ascorbate is potentially a safe and effective anti-cancer agent, able to kill cancer cells while leaving healthy cells unharmed. However, its role has been viewed in the context of existing cytotoxic chemotherapy models of medicine. Consequently, many doctors and patients have come to believe that only intravenous vitamin C administration is an effective treatment for cancer. We suggest that this view is misguided and oral intakes are preferable. . JOM Archives – Volume 28, Number 1, 2013 The Team at...

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