Our Story
My Mother Was The Necessity Behind Sufficient-C® and How It Came To Be
Vitamin C is imperative for a healthy functioning immune system, but getting truly sufficient amounts can be tough, particularly so during times of illness, when the immune system demands substantially more vitamin C, throughout each day to function at its best because vitamin C is water soluble and we are not able to store it for very long! So sad that so many lie in hospital beds trying to fight off infection, but rarely if ever receive the vitamin C their immune system desperately needs from their “trusted” physicians. One of the many cases in point is with the treatment of the infamous flu and more recently and sadly COVID.
I experienced this problem first hand when my mother was diagnosed with lung cancer. Like many others, my mother was struggling with the physical effects of her chosen conventional cancer treatment while I was struggling with extreme worry and concern for both her illness and treatment. Knowing that the body's need for vitamin C is increased when stressed with illness, it was clear to me that my mother was not getting nearly enough! I think it is fair to say that she was getting sick and tired of taking so many immune supportive, dietary supplements and even professed that she was unwilling to add anything additional to her daily supplement regimen. This was a great cause of concern for me because I was certain she was not getting ample foundational nutrients to help support all the challenges her conventional cancer treatment and disease was presenting. Making matters worse, her treatment was making it increasingly difficult for her to stay adequately hydrated. Consequently numerous and unnecessary emergency room visits for dehydration ensued.
I searched far and wide and soon realized there was no immune supportive product on the market with the attributes of a delicious, refreshing beverage to best encourage frequent and compelling hydration. I wanted something that would be amply fortified with high doses of non-GMO vitamin C in addition to generous dosed , high quality foundational immune support. L-lysine, bromelain an atypically pure green tea extract was selected for being well known for superior immune boosting and anti-inflammatory properties particularly when used in the higher, more therapeutic doses.
It seemed only natural that a delicious thirst quenching drink mix combining high-dose vitamin C with these foundational immune supportive nutrients could be a compelling means to that end for my mother and the many other patients out there that had to be going through her same struggles.
Being that there was nothing available like this and certainly nothing that offered true flavor with function, I went to work!
In formulating Sufficient-C®, sugar was not an option since it is known to be cancer friendly. It is also counterproductive to ingest vitamin C and sugar at the same time as sugar is also known to impede vitamin C absorption. It was shocking to me that many vitamin C supplement manufacturers add some form of sugar to their products or if not equally troubling, artificial sweeteners to the detriment of trusting consumers. Finding a premium grade stevia was the perfect solution. I have always been a pure stevia proponent, understanding that when high quality stevia is used judiciously it could be quite satisfying. Additionally, each ingredient needed to be non-GMO, gluten-free and kosher so my drink mix could be accessible for all.
Solubility was equally important because looks really do matter when it comes to long term commitment to dietary supplementation. Often “healthier“ drink mixes for various reasons, lack appeal partially due to not fully dissolving in water. It is not at all appetizing to see particles floating, sinking or sticking to the side of a beverage glass. As a result, it was imperative that my immune supportive drink mix drink be 100% water soluble.
Sufficient-C® offers flavor with function in the form of a hydrating, satisfying immune supportive drink mix . It is a refreshing, seamless solution for the many that are tired of the daunting task of swallowing many pills and capsules, yet simply want or need more immune support.
Now every person, regardless of where they lie on the health spectrum can benefit and actually enjoy flavor with function in each satisfying sip thanks to my mother.
Now vitamin C can actually be enjoyed & therefore more easily consumed throughout the day for optimal immune support to help compensate for the gene mutation that occurred millions of years ago rendering us incapable of synthesizing our own vitamin C!
Drink with meals, after a hot, steamy work-out or just because... Our convenient scoop allows for the ease of customized dosing because as individuals, we all lie on a different spot on the health spectrum.
High dosed supplementation doesn’t get better than Sufficient-C®!
My mother has also been, what I believe to be the creative force behind our two other compelling and refreshing drink mixes...
Glutenizer® Force Plus Kiwi Strawberry Digestive -Ade drink mix
a uniquely refreshing, satisfying, yet highly effective digestive enzyme drink mix that was created to help naturally remedy and also prevent the familiar discomfort that results from that not-so-perfect meal! At SufficientC we believe in preserving stomach acid and getting to the root of indigestion in its many forms. That’s why our one-of-a-kind full spectrum, enzyme-rich, digestive solution also offers generous dose of 2,000 mg. non-GMO vitamin C per scoop ( just like Sufficient-C® ) for both immune and gut health!
Imagine a digestive aid that effectively helps you digest your food so that not only will you lose the suffering, you will also benefit from the nourishment that your food was designed to deliver? We did and now its done, Glutenizer® Force Plus.
Abundant-B® High Dose Methyl B-12 & Biotin Pink Lemonade drink mix solution
has wrapped up high-dosed, superior Methyl B-12 and Biotin plus our prized vitamin C into a sweet, winning, refreshing, plant-based pink lemonade drink mix solution... because there just needed to be a better, more delicious way to 'B! Rest assured we've also included 2,000 mg. of our prized vitamin C so whether you mix our drink mixes together or take them on your own, there is no reason to skimp on precious vitamin C!
We hope to help keep you on our immune-supportive-wagon for the long term!
Caralyn Vessal, Founder, SufficientC