Our Story...
My Mother Was The Necessity Behind My Invention
How Sufficient-C® Came To Be
by Caralyn Vessal
Now every person, regardless of where they lie on the health spectrum can benefit and actually enjoy refreshing flavor with high-dosed function in every satisfying, sugar-free, non-GMO, gluten-free, kosher, plant based and lemon peach sip of Sufficient-C®, thanks to my mother and my love for her.When my mother was diagnosed with cancer, she struggled with both the physical effects of her disease as well as her chosen conventional cancer treatment. I was struggling with both tremendous concern for her health and that same treatment.
Knowing that the body's need for vitamin C is increased when stressed with illness, it was clear to me that my mother was not getting nearly enough. As a very persistent daughter, I think it is fair to say that she was getting tired of my mantra of immune supportive recommendations that always included high-dosed-vitamin C-supplementation. As a result, she grew leary of what she felt were a tirade of suggestions. She even professed that she was unwilling to add yet a “single other vitamin supplement” to her daily routine! This was terribly concerning to me because I was already scared she was not getting ample nutritional support from diet and supplementation to help support the challenges of her disease and the consequences of her chemical cancer treatment. One such challenge was with dehydration, requiring what I felt were too many unnecessary emergency room visits.
Vitamin C is imperative for a healthy functioning immune system. Getting truly sufficient amounts can be daunting, particularly so during times of illness, when the body’s immune system needs more vitamin C throughout the day….Yes, you read that correctly…throughout the day and typically an increased nutrition plan.
Since the body does not store vitamin C for very long given it is a water soluble vitamin there must be a willingness to be unrelenting for sufficient support. So sad that so many patients actually lie in hospital beds trying to fight off infections, but rarely if ever are prescribed vitamin C, which is the infection fighting vitamin! It was mind boggling to me then and remains so to this day...
We all know to include vitamin C in our diet to avoid Scurvy and to boost our immune system, but many people don't realize what it actually takes for that boost to happen. The sorely low recommended daily allowance (RDA) can do little more than keep people at a subclinical scurvy level. It can’t adequately support an immune system that needs to combat viruses, bacteria and ward off chronic disease! Ramping up the immune support exclusively in the colder months leaves the immune system starving in the warmer months.
Just to give you a point of reference, a mid size orange provides about 50 mg of vitamin C. The RDA for a woman regardless of her health and size is 75 mg and for a man, 90 mg. In comparison a 150 pound animal creates approximately 15,000 mg. of vitamin C a day naturally and even more when stressed! Bigger animals make more! Our ancestors lost this ability to create similar amounts of vitamin C due to a gene mutation that occurred 25-45 million years ago, but our ancestors' diets were also abundantly rich in vitamin C from vitamin C rich vegetation grown in mineral rich soil, not like the sorely depleted soil of today.
Traditional doctors, rarely if ever promote the importance of vitamin C in the prevention or treatment of the various infections and chronic ailments that abound. If you need proof, just think back to a time that you or a family member might have been suffering with an infection. Was vitamin C prescribed? If so how much? Consider yourself one of the very lucky few if your answer is "yes" and even luckier if the dosage offered came close to 15,000 mg. when in fact 15,000 mg. of vitamin C when ill is often not even enough!
High dose vitamin C has been proven to help mitigate viral infections, promote collagen production and reduce the side-effects of chemotherapy, surgery and radiation. Patients adhering to high-dose vitamin C and nutrition-rich programs are known to have less side effects, suffer less nausea and benefit from reduced pain and swelling following radiation. They also benefit from faster healing after surgery because of that enhanced collagen production! Yet it is incredibly unfortunate most oncologists do not promote vitamin C, leaving patients to draw the false conclusion that, “if my oncologist doesn’t support vitamin C, it has no merit.” Really????
There have been many orthomolecular physicians such as Dr. Hugh Riordan, Dr. Ron Hunninghake, Dr. Abram Hoffer, Dr. Robert F. Cathcart, Dr. Linus Pauling, Dr. Thomas Levy, Dr. Andrew Saul and Dr. Suzanne Humphries that have championed its effectiveness and believe that I.V. vitamin C and high-dosed oral vitamin C are helpful treatments to have in ones arsenal when boosting natural immunity, battling cancer, minimizing the side effects of chemotherapy, combatting high cholesterol, high blood pressure and of course fighting viral and bacterial infections. I just needed to find a creative way to get my mother to use more of it.
After an extensive search, I soon realized that there was nothing on the market that had the attributes of a delicious, refreshing, high dose vitamin C drink that encouraged frequent and compelling hydration and generously dosed, foundational immune support. Sufficient-C® Lemon Peach Immune-Ade drink mix was born out of my need to help my mother and my hope to help other patients out there that must have been experiencing her similar struggles.
In formulating Sufficient-C®, I knew that sweetening it with sugar was not a sensible option since cancer is known to feed on sugar. Many holistic treatment protocols expressly advise against sugar. It is also a little known fact that sugar actually impedes vitamin C absorption. Yet, many vitamin C supplements on the market today actually contain sugar or equally troubling, artificial sweeteners ( which are known to cause cancer ) to the detriment of trusting consumers. A premium grade stevia was my perfectly, sweet, natural solution. I have always been a stevia proponent. I knew when high quality stevia is used judiciously it is quite satisfying. Natural plant based fruit extracts were also used for a real, truly natural flavor.
Solubility was equally important because…let’s face it…looks needed to matter too, given the fact that Sufficient-C® was being made to be a lifestyle drink that would require a long term commitment. Often “healthier“ drink mixes for various reasons, do not fully dissolve in water. It is not at all appetizing to see clumps floating, sinking or sticking to the side of a beverage glass. As a result, it was imperative that Sufficient-C® also be 100% water soluble.
Sufficient-C® offers one-of-a-kind, flavor with function in the form of a hydrating, satisfying immune supportive drink mix. It is a refreshing, seamless solution for those that are tired of swallowing many pills and capsules and simply need and want more vitamin C. But we didn’t stop there. Sufficient-C® also contains generous doses of L-lysine, bromelain and a 96% pure, caffeine free green tea extract for outstanding immune and inflammation support like never before!
By spreading out thirst quenching doses throughout the day, immune support can now be easily summoned throughout the day… just the way mother nature intended. There is finally a compelling way to compensate for the gene mutation that occurred 25-45 million years ago rendering us, humans incapable of making our own vitamin C!
Drink with meals, after a hot, steamy work-out or just because... Our convenient scoop allows for the ease of customized dosing because, as individuals we all operate under unique circumstances that affect our respective health needs.
High dosed, immune supportive supplementation doesn’t get more refreshing nor compelling than Sufficient-C High Dose Vitamin C Lemon Peach Immune-Ade drink mix®.
Check out our Glutenizer® Force Plus Kiwi Strawberry Digestive -Ade drink mix, a uniquely refreshing, satisfying, yet highly effective digestive enzyme drink mix that was created to help remedy and also prevent the familiar discomfort that results from that not-so-perfect meal! At Sufficient C LLC we believe in preserving stomach acid and getting to the root of indigestion in its many forms. That’s why our one-of-a-kind full spectrum, enzyme-rich, digestive solution also offers a generous dose of 2,000 mg. non-GMO vitamin C per scoop ( just like Sufficient-C® ) for both immune and gut health!
Imagine a digestive aid that effectively helps you digest your food so that not only will you lose the suffering, you will also benefit from the nourishment that your food was designed to deliver? We did and now its done, Glutenizer® Force Plus.
BTW…We’re cooking up another delicious drink mix solution…stay tuned 🙂
We drink to your health!™