Vitamin C Blog Posts — immune support RSS


We love the common sense approach of Riordan Clinic. When we read their blog, we had to share it. Here is the link to the entire piece by Ron Hunninghake, MD - Below is a "meat and potatoes" excerpt 😊   COVID-19 and Complex Chronic Illness Against this modern backdrop of several worldwide disease epidemics, including obesity, diabetes, heart disease, cancer, degenerative arthritis, depression, and dementia – enter the coronavirus. SARS-CoV-2 is the virus, COVID-19 is the disease. The critical point here is that the virus is not the disease. The disease varies in severity and lethality depending upon the relative health, or lack of health, in the afflicted patient. In late September of this year, the CDC estimated that 40% of SARS-CoV-2...

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Is It Feed or Starve?

Remember the saying  “feed a cold, starve a fever” ? As it turns out, nutrients are key to both situations given nutrients provide extra healing energy to fight illness. The digestive process through consumption of food can generate heat and provide nutrients that can also help inhibit replication of a cold virus.  Research has shown that viruses replicate faster in colder conditions. So it can be easier for you to get your nutrient rich vitamins through diet in the scenario of a cold virus without a fever.With a fever, your body is already warm, doing what nature has enabled your immune systems to do, fight off the virus with your own heat! This heat also increases your caloric burn.  Unfortunately, a fever generally also comes...

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7 Incredible Facts About Vitamin C That Might Be Under Your Radar

We are assuming that since we find Vitamin C absolutely fascinating, you do too!  With that being said, we have collected some facts about vitamin C outside of its ability to bolster the immune system at large, lower blood pressure, reduce cholesterol levels and reduce inflammation,  that might be of interest to you. Ready, we go...

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