Vitamin C Blog Posts — dr. suzanne humphries RSS

Healthy Holiday Travel Insurance That Tastes Great! How To MIX-IT-UP while traveling!

Arrive and stay well while indulging yourself during holiday travel. Don't allow the myriad of viruses out there get you down! Fact: stress creates susceptibility to getting sick! Stressful work deadlines, too many late nights, emotional struggles, injuries, heavy duty workouts, even excessive joy puts you at risk. Fact:  An effective way to compensate for immune suppressing stress is to ramp up your intake of immune supportive nutrients particularly high doses of vitamin C! Vitamin C works exceptionally well as an antiviral, but the key is to ingest sufficient amounts. Humans lost the ability to produce vitamin C due to a gene mutation. We don’t make it anymore, but we sure do need it! So much so that a 150...

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