Healthy Holiday Travel Insurance That Tastes Great! How To MIX-IT-UP while traveling!

Arrive and stay well while indulging yourself during holiday travel. Don't allow the myriad of viruses out there get you down!

Fact: stress creates susceptibility to getting sick! Stressful work deadlines, too many late nights, emotional struggles, injuries, heavy duty workouts, even excessive joy puts you at risk.

Fact:  An effective way to compensate for immune suppressing stress is to ramp up your intake of immune supportive nutrients particularly high doses of vitamin C! Vitamin C works exceptionally well as an antiviral, but the key is to ingest sufficient amounts.

Humans lost the ability to produce vitamin C due to a gene mutation. We don’t make it anymore, but we sure do need it! So much so that a 150 lb. animal makes approximately 15,000 milligrams (15 grams) of vitamin C a day and even more in times of stress. This is how mother nature protects the vast majority of creatures on this earth from getting sick! You can compensate for this gene mutation by ingesting vitamin C throughout your day too and ramping it up when you need more! However, high dosing can be challenging. Fortunately there is an easy and pleasant option.

Sufficient-C® High Dose Lemon Peach Immune-Ade drink mix is not just the travel insurance you want, it is the health insurance you need and an outstanding  way to fortify your immune system and compensate for losing that important gene! Convenient and incredibly refreshing,  Sufficient-C® goes well with meals, is a thirst quenching treat after a hot workout and simply satisfying to drink just because... It is 100% water soluble so there are no particles floating about making it aesthetically pleasing as well! 

Being a powder, you can tuck it in your carry on and drink during airplane travel! Just add cool water and mix up a glass of flavor with function! 

Why Sufficient-C®?

  • Up to 4,000 mg. premium vitamin C ( 2,000 mg. per scoop)
  • Generous doses of L-lysine, Bromelain & 94% pure EGCG
  • Gluten-Free, Sugar-Free, kosher & organic stevia sweetened
  • All natural, Non-GMO, thirst quenching  recipe
  • Restaurant friendly
  • Natural antibiotic, antiviral, anti-inflammatory
  • Effective for cold sores and UTI’s
  • Promotes gut health
  • Provides collagen support for skin and joints
  • Available in 125 gram travel & gift giving size and larger 250 gram size



Visit to learn more about this unique and healthy drink mix



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